Friday 27 February 2015

Cannabis combined with radiotherapy can make brain cancer ‘disappear,’ study claims

Cannabis combined with radiotherapy can make brain cancer ‘disappear,’ study claims
Reuters / Alessandro Bianchi
Reuters / Alessandro Bianchi
Two cannabis components can have a significant effect on the size of cancerous tumors in the brain, especially when combined with radiotherapy, according to new research. The study says the growths can virtually “disappear.”

Tour an SF cannabis dispensary with Google View

Tour an SF cannabis dispensary with Google View
by Oscar Pascual in Lifestyletechnology
Since Google Maps launched its Street View initiative years ago, folks can step into a virtual storefront to peruse comic book stores, coffee shops, and other businesses before actually setting foot in them.
Medical marijuana dispensaries can be added to that list, as you can now walk into San Francisco’s Green Cross dispensary and check out all the tantalizing strains whenever you’d like.
It’s a perfect tool for would-be first time patients checking out the classy interior of their new favorite dispensary before their first visit, or even for returning customers just noticing the new sign raising the price of indoor 1/8ths by two dollars. Bummer.

The U.S. government has patent on cannabis

patentThe U.S. government has patent on cannabis

by Jonathan Landsman –
Most United States citizens have been brainwashed into believing that cannabis is dangerous and has no therapeutic value. Yet, on February 2, 2001, the Unites States Patent Office issued – patent #6630507 – to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – which clearly states:

Natural Cannabis Company Announces 2nd Annual High Art Challenge

Natural Cannabis Company Announces 2nd Annual High Art Challenge

The Natural Cannabis Company is launching its second annual High Art challenge, an international design competition to develop product packaging for Natural Cannabis Company’s product lines. The annual event, now in its second year, follows a robust global artistic response to High Art 2014, as over 400 artists from seven continents submitted designs in hopes of winning the top prize and one-year product feature. Hosted by Juxtapoz magazine, the artistic theme for this year’s contest is "Shapes, Patterns, Doodles, Sacred Geometry, Time and Numbers." Entries will be accepted from now until March 9 at 4:20 pm PST.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Washington's smoke signals: History of hemp

Smoke signals marijuana series - Brandy Pickering
Smoke signals marijuana series
Image Credit: Brandy Pickering
Washington's smoke signals: History of hemp
by COURIERHERALD STAFF Bonney Lake-Sumner Courier-Herald Reporter
By Rebecca Gourley, Covington Reporter

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Smoking marijuana is 114 times safer than drinking alcohol – study

Smoking marijuana is 114 times safer than drinking alcohol – study
Reuters/Marcos Brindicci
Reuters/Marcos Brindicci
As the debate over marijuana legalization continues in the United States, a new study suggests that smoking the controversial plant is about 114 times safer than drinking alcohol.
In fact, alcohol was found to be the deadliest drug on an individual level, at least when it comes to the likelihood of a person dying due to consuming a lethal dose. Heroin and cocaine were the next most deadly substances, followed by tobacco, ecstasy, and meth. Trailing up the rear was marijuana.

10 Surprising Uses for Medical Cannabis

10 Surprising Uses for Medical Cannabis

Michael Backes specializes in cannabis science and policy issues. His book, Cannabis Pharmacy, offers evidence-based information on using cannabis for ailments and medical conditions. Here are 10 surprising uses for medical cannabis from Cannabis Pharmacy.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Can Marijuana Treat Autoimmune Disorders?

Medical Marijuana
Can Marijuana Treat Autoimmune Disorders?
by Elizabeth Seward,

Medical cannabis, medicinal marijuana, medical marijuana – no matter how you refer to it, cannabis has been demonstrated in an increasing amount of studies to be medically useful. Although the plant was once thought to be a troublesome gateway drug in mainstream America, recent polls show that 80% of Americans now support the use of medical marijuana. An overwhelming majority of Americans, 75%, would prefer that recreational marijuana use is punished with a fine only and not jail or prison. And nearly 60% of Americans now favor complete legalization of cannabis for both medical and recreational use.

Marijuana is safer than all recreational drugs, new study finds

Marijuana is safer than all recreational drugs, new study finds
by Oscar Pascual, Smell the truth

Marijuana poses the least health risks among all recreational drugs, new research concludes.
A recent study published in Scientific Reportsquantified the risk of death associated with the use of a various controlled substances. Researchers found that marijuana is far less deadly, if at all, compared to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Teens are smoking more pot and science proves it’s a good thing

Teens are smoking more pot and science proves it’s a good thing
By Oscar Pascual 
More teens are using marijuana while alcohol and cigarette use is going down, according to results from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)’s 2014 Monitoring the Future Survey.
The study surveying the teen use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs shows that illicit drug use among teens has maintained a steady level over the past four years, while tobacco use and binge drinking have continued to decline over the past decade.

Glass pipes are evolving into a fine art

Glass pipes are evolving into a fine art
by David Downs, Smell the truth

Cannabis culture reaches new artistic and retail heights in 2015, and the world of ‘functional glass art’ is way hotter than traditional gallery openings. 

America’s top 5 healthiest cities love marijuana

The #yogadabs trend certainly flourishes
in America's five healthiest cities.
(Photo via Sasquatch Glass, Washington)

America’s top 5 healthiest cities love marijuana
by David Downs in HealthLifestyle
In another blow to critics of cannabis law reform, marijuana bastions such as San Francisco and Seattle are part of America’s top five healthiest cities. The money website NerdWallet analyzed fitness and health care data for the 50 largest U.S. metro areas and released their list Monday.
America’s top five healthiest cities are:
5) Denver-Aurora-Broomfield, Colorado
This area has had medical marijuana for about a decade, and made history Jan. 1 2014 with the first recreational sales of cannabis to adults 21 and over. Critics of legalization worry that in 2013 Colorado had the second highest rate of cannabis use in the nation, behind Rhode Island. 

Self-reported Data from Cancer Patients using Cannabis Oil Indicates Efficacy for an Intensive Phytochemical Based Cancer Treatment.

Self-reported Data from Cancer Patients using Cannabis Oil Indicates Efficacy for an Intensive Phytochemical Based Cancer Treatment.

3 Reasons Cancer Patients Should Try Cannabis Oil Before Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation

3 Reasons Cancer Patients Should Try Cannabis Oil Before Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation
For some patients this is the last resort, although I, professionally suggest this be the first resort for any cancer patient because of the ratio of harm to benefit is so vastly superior to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. While improvements have been made in the field of chemotherapy and radiation, there are many factors that are not calculated into the equation, so to speak when people ultimately decide to use these means to fight their cancer. The real issue is what the patient is left with in the end- healthwise, financially, emotionally and mentally? These “traditional”, modern treatments for cancer are no longer ethical to me, as a biochemist, to trust with the future of cancer patients. Here are the reasons why:

Pot Pediatrics: When Cannabis is More Ethical than Pharmaceuticals

Pot Pediatrics: When Cannabis is More Ethical than Pharmaceuticals
stoptheseizuresWhat if I told you that the mistletoe and poinsettias in your home were actually more toxic than Cannabis is in any form? Many parents are finding it hard to decide when a Cannabis regimen for their child is necessary. Within the heated medical Cannabis debate, there is remarkable advocacy for the treatment of children with Cannabis. Many parents have several ethical concerns when addressing this plant due to the legislation that ties it falsely to being a harmful plant.However, there are five times you should seriously consider Cannabis as treatment for your child:

Monday 23 February 2015

Weed Grandma Shows Us How to 420 Braise It - make chicken "pot-cciatore" at home - Thank You, what a great video!

Recipe: make chicken "pot-cciatore" at home -

Join our constant high in Bong Appetit, a new show about the wonders of weed-infused drinks and beverages. Throughout the series, we will be introduced to the many uses of marijuana—from curing the body to just smoking it for a good time. 

In our first episode, host Matt Zimbric heads to a secret Californian medical marijuana garden run by Nonna Marijuana, a 91-year-old grandmother who cooks classic Italian with a twist. Using buds grown by her own daughter, Nonna teaches Matt a foolproof method for infusing cannabis into butter, then guides him through preparing Chicken "Pot-cciatore" and gnocchi in ganja butter. Along the way, she explains how and why she recommends medical marijuana to those in need—without ever getting high on her own supply. Matt, on the other hand, may regret going back for seconds.

Read: 91-Year Old Nonna Marijuana is the Queen of Weed Cuisine -

Check out 'A Gourmet Weed Dinner At Hunter S. Thompson’s House' -

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Cannabis vs Cancer Documentary

Marijuana is much safer than alcohol or tobacco, according to a new study

Marijuana is much safer than alcohol or tobacco, according to a new study
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Study: Daily Marijuana Use Does Not Shrink Your Brain

Study: Daily Marijuana Use Does Not Shrink Your Brain
By ReutersBOULDER, CO — Daily marijuana use is not associated with brain shrinkage when using a like-for-like method to control for the effects of alcohol consumption on those who both drink and toke up, a new study from Colorado has found.
The study, led by neuroscientists at the University of Colorado at Boulder and published Jan. 28 in the Journal of Neuroscience, points to continued uncertainty about how pot use alters the structure of the brain. Even so, other studies have found the drug has short-term effects on learning and memory.

Pot science: Here are the neurological reasons marijuana gives you munchies

Pot science: Here are the neurological reasons marijuana gives you munchies
By , The Cannabist Staff
The munchies are more than a punchline. The munchies — “that inexplicable drive to eat, stimulated by the active ingredients of marijuana, the cannabinoids,” as described by writers Sachin Patel and Roger D. Cone — are a legitimate, nearly universally felt side effect from the consumption of marijuana. And there are specific scientific reasons for why we’re inclined to eat, whether we’re hungry or not, after getting high.
What are those scientific reasons? We weren’t completely sure until today, when an important new study out of Yale was released in science journal Nature illuminating some (but not all) of the background on munchies. 

Special report: CBD in Colorado

Special report: CBD in Colorado

Hundreds of families have moved to Colorado in hopes of healing their sick children after conventional medicine has failed them. They’re turning to a liquid form of marijuana that has helped some, but not all.
By Denver Post reporter John Ingold, with photos by Joe Amon and videos by Lindsay Pierce
Part 1: This is the story of 12-year-old Preston and his mother, Ana. They came to Colorado from North Carolina seeking a way to better control the seizures that have quaked through Preston’s brain every day since he was 3 months old. Learn more about young medical marijuana patients and the CBD oil used in treatments with varying degrees of success. 
Part 2: The migration to Colorado by families of sick children seeking medical marijuana is fueled by hope, not science. Little is known about the treatment’s effects, and researchers suggest that some parents see progress because they’re desperate to see it.
Part 3: Families who brought their sick children to Colorado seeking a marijuana miracle found something else: each other. With doctors largely standing on the sidelines, the parents’ cannabis community offers camaraderie and support as they treat their kids.

Look at what are the leading causes of death in the U.S.A. in 2013

Look at what are the leading causes of death in the U.S.A. in 2013 in U.S.A. in 2013
Number of deaths for leading causes of death
  • Heart disease: 611,105
  • Cancer: 584,881
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 149,205
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 130,557
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,978
  • Alzheimer's disease: 84,767
  • Diabetes: 75,578
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 56,979
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 47,112
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 41,149

Marijuana may be even safer than previously thought, researchers say

Marijuana may be even safer than previously thought, researchers say
By Christopher Ingraham

New study: We should stop fighting marijuana legalization and focus on alcohol and tobacco instead

Compared to other recreational drugs -- including alcohol -- marijuana may be even safer than previously thought. And researchers may be systematically underestimating risks associated with alcohol use.
Those are the topline findings of recent research published in the journal Scientific Reports, a subsidiary of Nature. Researchers sought to quantify the risk of death associated with the use of a variety of commonly-used substances. They found that at the level of individual use, alcohol was the deadliest substance, followed by heroin and cocaine.

Tuesday: Alaska Marijuana Legalization Law Takes Effect

Tuesday: Alaska Marijuana Legalization Law Takes Effect
In First ‘Red’ State to Legalize Marijuana, Possession and Cultivation Become Legal;  Commercial Retail Sales to Begin in 2016
Bipartisan Consensus Accelerates Momentum to Legalize Marijuana and End Drug War
Tomorrow will mark a major step forward in the implementation of Alaska’s marijuana legalization law, as personal cultivation, possession, and consumption become legal. Last November, Alaskans voted 53-47% in favor of marijuana legalization, making it the first “red” state to pass such a law.

Let America Compete in Cannabis An Open Letter to Policymakers

Medical Marijuana May Soon Get Kosher Stamp of Approval

Medical Marijuana May Soon Get Kosher Stamp of Approval

Kosher marijuana could soon be available to Orthodox Jews in New York State — but only on doctor’s orders.
Rabbi Moshe Elefant, head of the Orthodox Union’s kosher certification agency, said he has held “preliminary discussions” with several companies interested in obtaining a kosher seal of approval for medical marijuana.
The move comes as legalization of cannabis for medicinal and recreational purposes spreads across the country, with many of the leading pro-legalization activists, philanthropists and entrepreneurs drawn from the Jewish community.
Medical marijuana is legal in about half of U.S. states today. A handful of states have legalized recreational marijuana use.
Although Orthodox rabbis appear to have accepted the medical benefits of cannabis, they remain much more cautious about recreational marijuana. Most Orthodox rabbis say it’s strictly prohibited.

31 States Are Considering Marijuana Law Reform, Is Yours One of Them?

31 States Are Considering Marijuana Law Reform, Is Yours One of Them?
by Erik Altieri, NORML Communications Director

At post time, there are 31 states that currently have pending marijuana law reform legislation. These measures deal with a wide array of topics including decriminalization, record expungement, medical access, and full legalization. 2015 is shaping up to be one of the most active legislative sessions on record for the marijuana legalization movement, but these bills won’t pass themselves. It is absolutely crucial that you, the stakeholders and voters, get engaged in the process and apply pressure to your state lawmakers to urge them to support these measures. 

Congressional Legislation Introduced to Get the Federal Government Out of the Marijuana Enforcement Business

Congressional Legislation Introduced to Get the Federal Government Out of the Marijuana Enforcement Business
by Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director
Legislation was introduced Friday in the US House of Representatives to permit states to establish their own marijuana regulatory policies free from federal interference.
House Resolution 1013, the Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act, removes cannabis from the United States Controlled Substances Act. It also removes enforcement power from the US Drug Enforcement Administration in matters concerning marijuana possession, production, and sales — thus permitting state governments to regulate these activities as they see fit.

What Percentage of Teens Use Marijuana? The Answer Might Surprise You.

What Percentage of Teens Use Marijuana? The Answer Might Surprise You.
Marijuana use is down among teens, according to a new study by theNational Institutes on Drug Abuse and the University of Michigan.
The study, titled “Monitoring the Future,” is a yearly survey of drug use among eighth, 10th, and 12th graders.
Researchers found that there has been a drop of two percentage points in the number of teens who report using marijuana in the last year, a change from the last five years when use increased.
Photo: The Washington Post
Photo: The Washington Post
The use of marijuana also decreased from previous years in each category of students. The study found that 15.6 percent of eighth graders report using marijuana in their lifetimes, as well as 33.7 percent of 10th graders, and 44.4 percent of 12th graders. In the past month, 6.5 percent of eighth graders, 16.6 percent of 10th graders and 21.2 percent of 12th graders admitted to marijuana use.
According to the authors of the study, “personal disapproval” of the use of pot also fell among students in the eighth and 12th grades. “Reported availability” of the drug is “down significantly” in the eighth and 10th grades, which the authors speculate “may help to explain the modest decline in use this year.”
The number of teens who use pot on a daily basis fell, with 5.8 percent of seniors reporting daily use, compared to 6.5 percent in 2013. The researchers defined daily or near-daily marijuana use as “use on 20 or more occasions in the prior 30 days.”
Photo: The Washington Post
Photo: The Washington Post
Conversely, the authors of the study found that “the belief that regular marijuana use harms the user, however, continues to fall among youth, so changes in this belief do not seem to explain the change in use this year, as it has done over most of the life of the study.”
The study of 40,000 teens indicates that their use of other harmful substances – such as alcohol and cigarettes – also has decreased. Less than 15 percent of high school seniors reported smoking cigarettes in the last month, and less than 40 percent report drinking alcohol.
The Washington Post notes that the study was conducted this spring, as several states and the District of Columbia debated legalizing marijuana.

Professor Teaches His Students to Capitalize on New Business Opportunity: Marijuana

Getty Images

Professor Teaches His Students to Capitalize on New Business Opportunity: Marijuana
Professor Shad Ewart suggests pot as a viable career option.
This spring, the business management assistant professor at Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland is offering a course titled “Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Emerging Markets: Marijuana Legalization.”

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

Mankind has been using the cannabis plant for thousands of years, it has given us food, fuel and shelter. Some of the oldest artifacts of ancient man show how early and comprehensive our interactions with the hemp plant have been.
The seeds, it’s fruit, are an excellent source of nourishment, and have been used as a food source since recorded time. It’s fibers have been used as rope and textiles, it has lashed our homes together, clothed us and powered our great sailings ships. Hemp seed oil has lit our lamps, bringing light into our darkest nights, it can even fuel our modern means of transportation. Henry Ford designed his first cars to run on hemp based bio-fuels. There are thousands of ways we have found the hemp plant beneficial to our physical survival and comfort.

How Cannabis Helps My ADHD – A Patient’s Story |

How Cannabis Helps My ADHD – A Patient’s Story |

Let me introduce myself, I am a 32-year-old entrepreneur with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and I use cannabis, daily, to manage my condition. I’ve spent the past decade running international businesses on two continents, and have previously been in a long-term relationship for nine years; which provided me with a beautiful 6-year-old daughter whom I care for jointly.
My story starts when I was diagnosed at age two with ADHD and spent the next three years on a series of diets that have affected my eating habits to this day. I didn’t have chocolate, sugar, wheat or cow’s milk until I was five. From then I was medicated with amphetamine-derived drugs for over 20 years. First Ritalin, then in my 20s Concerta. By age 10 I was prescribed double the maximum daily dose (which is 6 tablets or 60 mg) and I was given 12 tablets or 120mg methylphenidate per day. By age 15 I was on 4.5 x the maximum daily dose at 25 tablets and 250mg per day.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Fox’s Bones Gets It Half Right on Medical Marijuana

Fox’s Bones Gets It Half Right on Medical Marijuana


Everything I know about “Bones” I learned from this American Dad clip (thanks, YouTube). Warning, there: will be spoilers, but this will have little to do with drama, relationships, and contrivances that might be familiar to regular viewers.

Thursday 19 February 2015

How to Choose a Medicinal Cannabis Strain?

How to Choose a Medicinal Cannabis Strain?

Choosing to use medicinal cannabis (also known as medical marijuana) can be a very easy decision to make. Choosing which variety of cannabis is best for a particular individual or condition can be more complicated. 

Many patients have never tried or grown cannabis before discovering it as a medicine. Even for those who have, knowing what works for recreational and social purposes does not always translate into knowing the most suitable variety of cannabis for specific medical needs.

5 Differences Between CBD and THC

Image via Wikimedia Commons

5 Differences Between CBD and THC

Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two main ingredients in the marijuana plant. Both CBD and THC belong to a unique class of compounds known as cannabinoids. 
While many strains of marijuana are known for having abundant levels of THC, high-CBD strains are less common. But CBD has recently started to draw attention from the medical community, who seem to prefer CBD over THC. Here, we explain the differences between these two compounds.

Hemp vs. Cotton

Modern Uses for the hemp plant

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Medical Marijuana May Prevent Suicides, Study Finds

Medical Marijuana May Prevent Suicides, Study Finds

Medical Marijuana May Prevent Suicides, Study Finds
Published last week in the American Journal of Public Health, a group of economics researchers found that medical marijuana laws led to a sharp drop in suicide rates among young men.
The results seem to support the belief that marijuana can be used to cope with stressful life events, says study co-author Daniel Rees, PhD, professor of economics at the University of Colorado Denver.

Study: Cannabis May Suppress Epilepsy-Linked Genes

Study: Cannabis May Suppress Epilepsy-Linked Genes

Marijuana may be able to reduce seizures by suppressing genes related to epilepsy, according to new research out of Britain.
Published last month in the open-access journal PeerJ, investigators at the University of Reading say the findings strengthen support for chemicals in marijuana as seizure treatments.

Marijuana Unlikely To Cause Violence, Study Finds

Marijuana Unlikely To Cause Violence, Study Finds
New research out of the U.S. suggests marijuana may not provoke aggression and violence like alcohol does.
Published in the journal Addictive Behaviors, a study on the link between substance use and violence among young couples has found marijuana to be an unlikely cause.
Unsurprisingly, the results show alcohol to be a major factor instead.