Tuesday 24 February 2015

Can Marijuana Treat Autoimmune Disorders?

Medical Marijuana
Can Marijuana Treat Autoimmune Disorders?
by Elizabeth Seward, Undergroundhealth.com

Medical cannabis, medicinal marijuana, medical marijuana – no matter how you refer to it, cannabis has been demonstrated in an increasing amount of studies to be medically useful. Although the plant was once thought to be a troublesome gateway drug in mainstream America, recent polls show that 80% of Americans now support the use of medical marijuana. An overwhelming majority of Americans, 75%, would prefer that recreational marijuana use is punished with a fine only and not jail or prison. And nearly 60% of Americans now favor complete legalization of cannabis for both medical and recreational use.

Marijuana is safer than all recreational drugs, new study finds

Marijuana is safer than all recreational drugs, new study finds
by Oscar Pascual, Smell the truth

Marijuana poses the least health risks among all recreational drugs, new research concludes.
A recent study published in Scientific Reportsquantified the risk of death associated with the use of a various controlled substances. Researchers found that marijuana is far less deadly, if at all, compared to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Teens are smoking more pot and science proves it’s a good thing

Teens are smoking more pot and science proves it’s a good thing
By Oscar Pascual 
More teens are using marijuana while alcohol and cigarette use is going down, according to results from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)’s 2014 Monitoring the Future Survey.
The study surveying the teen use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs shows that illicit drug use among teens has maintained a steady level over the past four years, while tobacco use and binge drinking have continued to decline over the past decade.

Glass pipes are evolving into a fine art

Glass pipes are evolving into a fine art
by David Downs, Smell the truth

Cannabis culture reaches new artistic and retail heights in 2015, and the world of ‘functional glass art’ is way hotter than traditional gallery openings. 

America’s top 5 healthiest cities love marijuana

The #yogadabs trend certainly flourishes
in America's five healthiest cities.
(Photo via Sasquatch Glass, Washington)

America’s top 5 healthiest cities love marijuana
by David Downs in HealthLifestyle
In another blow to critics of cannabis law reform, marijuana bastions such as San Francisco and Seattle are part of America’s top five healthiest cities. The money website NerdWallet analyzed fitness and health care data for the 50 largest U.S. metro areas and released their list Monday.
America’s top five healthiest cities are:
5) Denver-Aurora-Broomfield, Colorado
This area has had medical marijuana for about a decade, and made history Jan. 1 2014 with the first recreational sales of cannabis to adults 21 and over. Critics of legalization worry that in 2013 Colorado had the second highest rate of cannabis use in the nation, behind Rhode Island. 

Self-reported Data from Cancer Patients using Cannabis Oil Indicates Efficacy for an Intensive Phytochemical Based Cancer Treatment.

Self-reported Data from Cancer Patients using Cannabis Oil Indicates Efficacy for an Intensive Phytochemical Based Cancer Treatment.

3 Reasons Cancer Patients Should Try Cannabis Oil Before Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation

3 Reasons Cancer Patients Should Try Cannabis Oil Before Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation
For some patients this is the last resort, although I, professionally suggest this be the first resort for any cancer patient because of the ratio of harm to benefit is so vastly superior to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. While improvements have been made in the field of chemotherapy and radiation, there are many factors that are not calculated into the equation, so to speak when people ultimately decide to use these means to fight their cancer. The real issue is what the patient is left with in the end- healthwise, financially, emotionally and mentally? These “traditional”, modern treatments for cancer are no longer ethical to me, as a biochemist, to trust with the future of cancer patients. Here are the reasons why:

Pot Pediatrics: When Cannabis is More Ethical than Pharmaceuticals

Pot Pediatrics: When Cannabis is More Ethical than Pharmaceuticals
stoptheseizuresWhat if I told you that the mistletoe and poinsettias in your home were actually more toxic than Cannabis is in any form? Many parents are finding it hard to decide when a Cannabis regimen for their child is necessary. Within the heated medical Cannabis debate, there is remarkable advocacy for the treatment of children with Cannabis. Many parents have several ethical concerns when addressing this plant due to the legislation that ties it falsely to being a harmful plant.However, there are five times you should seriously consider Cannabis as treatment for your child: